Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Touch of Class...

Let me just share with you two ways you can be certain you chose the right builder. Mind you, these are only TWO ways. We've had plenty of strong indications along the way. Every once in a while, though, things really stand out.

When we started on this journey into home construction, we had planned to be moved in when we had our second child. That's because we weren't even pregnant with our second child when we started on this journey. Well...things happen and nature has a way of taking it's course. SO, we wound up having a beautiful baby boy this morning...Devin Gabriel Johnson, 9.0 pounds, 21 inches. Born at 9:21 am. Everybody's healthy, he's beautiful, and mom is taking a nap as I write this in the hospital.

Well, if you've been following this blog for very long you know that we ran into a bit of a financial crunch and that I was taking on some of the work myself to save a few pennies. You also know that we're aiming to finish the house in the next few weeks. And, while it's probably possible for those circumstances to stay the same, I think most people would agree that possible isn't always optimal. But, we were committed to our plan, and if nothing else, we could delay our move-in by a week or two if necessary. Certainly worse things have happened to people building houses.

Here's where the two way's to know you chose the right builder come in. First, after letting them know we had a baby this morning we got these delivered to the hospital....
If you can't read the message from the picture, here's what it says:
John and Carol - Congratulations on your new miracle!!! God is so good! A healthy baby, a new big brother, a new home. Life is good!!! Sincerely, True North Homes Team
Ok...that almost made me cry when I got it. Yeah, I know, I'm a sucker for sentimentality...but hey...whaddya gonna do. I mean, they didn't have to do that...they don't have to care so much about our family, our personal life. They're really only obligated to offer a professional service in a professional way. This was above and beyond...and classy. Thanks True North.

The second reason I know we chose the right builder is because of the contractors we have working on the house. From the start, I expected them to do good work. They all have. But this afternoon I got an email from Kristy at True North letting me know that our trim carpenter had heard about the baby and offered to finish the trim on the main floor by the end of the week for $750. I had planned on doing it myself to save some money...but $750 is quite a bargain for ALL of the first floor trim. We took him up on it without a second thought. I mean, sure, he's looking for work just like everybody else in that business and he saw an opportunity. But, what a class act to have the compassion to realize that I would be pressed for time and that he might be able to help. I tell you what, I don't care what you hear on the news or read in the paper...there are a LOT of really GOOD people in the world. And if you need any carpentry done...I would recommend this guy higher than anyone else. Just contact True North Homes and ask how to get in touch. you have my two-bits. Here's a little of what's been happening at the house.

Here are the stars of "Tom and John Trim Carpentry" (that's dad and I, who did the upstairs last week)

Here's a little of what we did!

Here's what the pros did...yeah, they're better than we are...

This is what our backyard looks like from the living room window. Notice the absence of a big pile of dirt and mud! Our finish grading is done!
There's dad and our assistant! I think he's feeding grandaddy some goldfish crackers....

Caught a pretty cool rainbow out the front window the other day...Alex was fascinated!

Here's a night-shot of the "Smith Deck and Patio Annex" - named for its financial supporters! I would have taken a picture in the daylight, but I leave for, and return from work in the dark now...ick...

Thanks for keeping up on the blog! We like to know that people are reading! Things are happening fast now and I'm not able to keep up on all the pictures, so be patient and I'll try to keep it nearly up to date! Right now, I'm kinda caught up in the fact that I have 2 boys and they're both healthy and perfect!

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