Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lack of Sleep...But Lot's of Satisfaction

OK - I haven't pulled hours like this since I was an undergrad and driving limousines. Between orchestra rehearsals every night last week, concerts Friday and Saturday, and SOLID days of work on the house all day Saturday, Sunday (9am-2am) and Monday (6pm-2am). Oh, and at work I hosted a workshop for 34 teachers on Friday and another 34 today (Tuesday).
"What is wrong with that guy?" You might ask. "Does he want his wife to divorce him? Does he want his kid to not recognize him?" All reasonable and not unwarranted questions. But, I kind of didn't have a choice. We needed the money from the orchestra concerts to pay for the house and the work I'm doing on it, which had to be complete by this morning so the electrical inspection could take place and insulation/drywall work could begin.
It's all good now though. Once I catch up on a little sleep, I'll be a father and a husband again and life will return to semi-normal for at least a while.
I should point out that my dad has been an determined and dependable source of help despite a minor knee injury from his last trip up to help (see picture of wrecked truck below). There is absolutely NO way I could have gotten everything done on time without his help.
So, here's a taste of what we did:
1) Ran all of the low-voltage wire for cable TV, telephone, internet, and a few speaker locations. There are network and cable connections throughout the house now, and the wires run neatly to the utility room where they'll be installed in a proper box. There's about 1,200ft of low-voltage wire now).
2) Ran plastic conduit from the mainfloor to the attic to accomadate future wiring needs.
3) Ran conduit across the bottom of the inside of the fireplace so that wires could be run back and forth easily in the future.
4) We added a couple of walls in key places in the attic, etc...
5) We extended the master bedroom bath tub deck so it was better positioned under the windows.
6) We planned out the method of attaching the deck to the house - we're using some aluminum brackets rather than traditional techniques to isolate the house from the noise and moisture from the deck
7) We adapted the spaces around the garage doors so that it could be more easily and attractively drywalled.
8) We hung up plywood in the utility room to make easy places to hang up the electrical panel, etc...
9) AND we swept the house top-to bottom...THAT was a back breaker.

I'm told that insulation and exterior doors are coming in the next couple of days, followed closely by drywall installation. Keep your fingers crossed!

Once those things are finished, I'll have to start working on the house again...cleaning, painting, flooring, fireplace stone, etc...That will be another busy time, but I don't have orchestra rehearsals or workshops to deal with, so that's good.

Thanks for reading!

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