Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Homeless...and happy about it!

We closed on our old house today, so in a couple of weeks we'll be 'homeless'! Well...not really. We are moving to a townhouse this weekend that we've rented until January '09. It's gonna be a huge pain, but a small price to pay for not having to make 2 mortgage payments. We've had many friends and close relatives go through (or who are going through) that process and wanted to avoid that if at all possible...even if it meant we might have to delay building our new house if we couldn't sell the old one. We got REALLY stinking lucky though. Our builder happened to have a nephew who was engaged and looking for a house in our neighborhood! We almost feel a little guilty for being so lucky, actually. We were fully prepared to not sell our house at all this summer. In fact, we didn't even have any serious interest besides the couple who actually bought it. We did something right somewhere along the way and feel very blessed for it!
Tonight, I also went to Sears and bought all of our kitchen appliances. They're having a huge blowout sale of last years models, AND they're having a 20% sale ON TOP of the blowout prices! Bonus! That saved us roughly $1,300 right there. The only downside is that we have to store them until the house is ready for them later this fall. Shouldn't be too much of a problem though.
Also, I'm adding some links to some of the websites that have to do with our project. Check them out in the left-hand column if you're interested!

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